To Sum Things Up:
I'm officially enrolled at UNP
Classes Start August 6th
If you want to send something to me (something small, nothing too valuable unless it's sentimental) then drop it by my Dad's shop by the 4th of August between 8am to 8 pm. Don't wrap it unless it's a letter, envelopes are fine.
Krystal/William's Goal
Good luck on the school semester, Everyone
Those of you going through tough times or if you want/need someone to talk to my messenger is always open!!
My classes are:
Understanding The Self
Mathematics in the Modern World
The Child&Adolescent Learners
Technology for Teaching&Learning
Movement Enhancement
Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino (Tagalog Communication)
Purposive Communication
Building&Enhancing New Literacies
Literacy Training Service 1
Brandon: I know that you're not big on everyone knowing your business so I'll keep your dedication short. Brandon's a cool cat and has good taste in music. Clowns aren't my thing but he thinks they're bad ass. Miss you, bitch. I'll learn shit quick so I can head home. Miss ya, Bruh.
Skye: Gosh, you like almost all my post. I'm super happy to know that you keep up with me, Hun. I miss you a lot, really! wanted to have a dedication to you so that everyone knows how awesome you are. You might not like the humidity here but I know that we'd have a lot of fun if you ever found yourself here in the Philippines. As I said, thank you so much for keeping up with me, Girlie. You're the best! Love you and miss you! Good luck with that new job of yours!
Sam: I figured I should throw you in a dedication to you since I was mentioning Skye&Brandon. I still think you're cool. Poetry can be a foreign language to some so I'm glad you have a talent for it. Expressing one's emotions takes courage and confidence. Keep it up, dude. Share some of your poetry with me some time if you're bored! Any friend of my friend is one of my own. Strive on dude. I'll see you when I see you!
Dhexciah: You were the first person to help me learn Tagalog&Ilokano. Thanks for that! I still find it hard to believe that you're only a senior in senior high (Senior in High School as I'd say in the US). You have a big heart and I hope I'll be able to spend more time with you in the future. Good luck with your classes! I believe in you! You know that if you need anything, all you have to do is ask. I'll see what I can do to help. Though, know that I don't have all the answers lol. I'm willing to help you on what I can!
Jen: Where do I start? Out of all of the family in the U.S I have, it dies down to you or Lorie Jane as my best friend. Lorie Jane is more of a sister while you're the awesome cousin but because you both are related through my dad's side y'all are my nieces. I miss you a lot! But it was probably for the best that we parted ways. I know you said Nebraska is boring but I still want to go. I have a goal to visit all 50 states! I think you've been to more than me. I hope I can help you learn Ilokano and Tagalog. The good thing about the language barrier here is that Filipinos can't always understand Filipinos and they are super friendly. Miss you, hope to see you soon.
SEND ME STUFF BY AUGUST 4TH: I put this in caps because I want to make sure those of you who have gotten a hold of me to ask about mailing me something can see it. If you want to send me something do the following!!!
What can/should you send:
- Nothing Bulky, So something small
- Examples: A Flash drive of music
- A letter addressed to me with your mailing address so I can attempt to mail you a letter back.
- Anything that reminded you of me
- Pictures are always nice. I'll hang them up in the apartment I'm staying at (Developed pictures obviously)
- Unless it is a letter addressed to me in a small envelope, do not wrap it. Instead, leave your name with a sticky note or something. Customs have to be able to see what the item is and make sure it's nothing against policy. (Ex: Guns lol)
- If it is a letter to me, leave it in the envelope. Make sure you write your address so that I can try to send you a letter back. I should be able to send mail through the college.
- Drop it off at my dad's shop between Monday-Saturday. He's there from 8am to 8pm for the most part. If you want to make sure he's there call 325 655 1886 and ask for Tex. If he's not there at the time that you come by, leave it at his booth. Or, if you're not comfortable with that you can always come by there later. He practically lives there lol.
- Audio books from Garage Sells (I need something to listen to)
- A spare music CD that you have lying around and haven't listened to in a while
- Pens (XD I'm always up for pen donations)
- 1-10 developed pictures that you have of us. Or a badass selfie of yours. I don't know, make sure it's placed in a ziplock
- If you draw, I want a drawing!
- Don't send me any cards guys. As much as I love Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, Yugioh, and ect... They will only get lost and not played
- If you have a spare set of DnD dice, please!!! I need 5 sets at least!!! They don't have dice in the Philippines ):
My classes are:
Mathematics in the Modern World
The Child&Adolescent Learners
Technology for Teaching&Learning
Movement Enhancement
Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino (Tagalog Comminication)
Purposive Communication
Building&Enhancing New Literacies
Literacy Training Service 1
I will share how my first day of school goes for sure because I don't know what Understanding the Self is. I'm assuming it's an introduction class, maybe even one that helps direct students to figure out a schedule for themselves since most of these first year students are 18. Fun fact: Those of you who graduated up until 2014 would have graduated in 2012 in the Philippines. After the 2012 class the school program changed and they introduced Senior High. Before that there was Elementary Kinder through Sixth and then High School which was Seventh through Tenth.
All of the names of these classes are all fancy lol. Mathematics is Math, Movement Enhancement is P.E (Physical Education), and Purposive Communication is Speech. (At least that's what I interpreted lol).
Then there's Child&Adolescent Learners. I already met the teacher for that and she's nice. She wanted to teach me Ilokano. Technology for Teaching is another General Education specific course. I have no idea what Building and Enhancing New Literates is, it might be my English class lol.
Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino is my Tagalog class and in the same way that the American English class is not about literally learning how to speak English this course is the same where they talk about Tagalog and not focus on the 'how to speak Tagalog'.
My classes are from Monday to Saturday. What? Saturday. Yea, Saturday. It sucks but that's alright. I don't know what a Literacy Training Service is but I do know others are having to take this course with me so there's that. I'm hoping to get to the school an hour early and stay an hour late so that I can help some of my teachers with whatever they need and so that I can get some practice in Tagalog and or Ilokano. I know that some of them might not be willing to spend that type of time with me and that's fine. I already know of two teachers who are willing to help me and two is enough but I'd like to practice with different people.
For those of you who are starting a new semester, good luck! I'll be doing my best and I have faith in all my friends. Don't forget to try to get some sleep, drink water, and spend time outside of school work to be with friends and family. If you every need anyone to talk to, I'm here.
Also! Family who is having to do essays in English, I'm willing to read over them but I can only take so many at time so message me and I'll let you know if I have time to read over it!
Generally speaking, if any of my friends need someone to talk to, my messenger is always open. Remember that I'm 13 hours ahead of you (If you're in Central Time). If you message me, I'll do my best to message you back as soon as I can! I love chatting with you all. That being said!! Down below is my Instagram. If you follow me and I see that you have less followers than the people you follow I"ll follow you. If you do have a ton of followers, message me and say hi. I'll follow you back if you take the time to actually talk to me but otherwise I won't follow you back.
Questions: I wanna hear what you guys are thinking! What's on your mind? Next week I'm thinking of tagging a few people and start a Q&A so be ready! I might tag you next! I want to thank you all for reading these and supporting who I am. I know that I do the same for you all but it doesn't hurt to be thankful.