Monday, August 6, 2018

Nuang Languages

Day 6: English Vowels

A E I O U and sometimes Y

Ate - Hard A
East - "EE"
Eye - "I"
Boat - "oh"
You - "U"
Why - "Y"

*Above is how to pronounce the letters based on how we say the letter in the Alphabet. Take note that the way the letter is said in a word changes deoending on a person's accent in addition to how the letter is used.

This is why English is considered the hardest language to learn. Depending on the origin of the word is how to decide what rule to use when spelling a word in English. But let's be real...

How To Spell and Speak In English:

1.Think: Does the word follow a rule?
-If Yes or Probably then move to step 2

2. Ask yourelf: How do I use that rule?

3. Break it.

4. Pronounce it 3 different ways at least
-Orange: Oh-range, R-ange, Or-Range

5.Spell the word 3 different ways and make the sound the same

5.1: Make them mean different things

Their, They're, There

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