This band will always have a place in my heart. All the above photos were taken from their Instagram
Line Two (Center)
Line Four (Center)
Line Six (Center)
To start this post
off I want to share Tuan Thailand’s music with you. Here are the two songs that
want to share.
1,000 Miles.
The band played this song at the concert. The one I call K-Pop is the main singer but Win sings the secondary part.
Blue Moon
Their music reminds me of a Metal/EDM version of Linkin Park’s newer style. They also sing in Thai so there’s that too! I already showed some of my friends this band which is why I know that they’d acquire a fan base from San Angelo if they’d be able to show up in my hometown. When I get home, I hope I can find a way to help them get there so I can see them again and show my friends.
San Angelo is getting better at expanding in a cultural and artistic way. Although, I wouldn’t want to only perform in Angelo because it’s a small city. It would be cool to get them to do a small tour of Texas where they could play in all five regions (North, South, East, West, and Central). Of course, this isn’t something that I know how to process but the idea is still cool.
To my surprise they played Black Diary which can be found on
Youtube but they are still trying to get all their songs recorded I suppose.
Black Diary is one of their original songs. The original band members (from
what I could see) are the short one and K-Pop there. The rest of the members
are newer. I don’t know when they joined but I do know that the band went to UK
in 2017 with the members they have now.
It makes me sad how the technology has limited what I can
find about them. Well, I suppose it’s more about the lack of technology that
limits what I can find of them. 1,000 years was uploaded onto Youtube a year
ago and Blue Moon was uploaded four months ago.
The band has a website but the link doesn’t work. If they do
have anything online it’s probably in Thai and I can’t understand Thai
(although, I wish I did only for the purpose of getting to know the band). I
found an interview of the band but it’s in Thai (with no subtitles I might
Being from the United States has spoiled me. We are so
diverse in the different cultures that are there along with the different
languages that are recognized to exist. Our national language is a global
Back home I can be around different races and not feel that
I’m in a different part of the world when I talk to them. In the U.S we all
have our different backgrounds and lifestyles. There’s so much diversity. Here,
there’s diversity but it’s different… I feel that I’d have a similar experience
if I went to another country of Asia (outside of the airport anyways).
Instagram: It blows
my mind how social media can connect the world on a global scale. I enjoy using
Instagram although my main source of social media is Facebook. Instagram is a
good way to summarize what you’re doing with your life through pictures and
small caption.
Or, if you’re like me you have a picture of set of pictures
and you link the post to what you’re trying to share with the world of
Instagram. As a blogger, I have to try and use as many social media tactics as
possible which becomes hard to keep up with especially if you try to make each
post unique. I get lazy and I make the post through Instagram and then I send
it off to Facebook.
The band has toured in Bangkok (Thailand) and in the U.K. They’ve
visited the Philippines, and their record label (I’m not
sure if that’s the right word) is based in Japan. So, I think they’re a perfect
example of how people can thrive from globalization.
With each post this week I tried to get y'all to check them out on your own but this post is to bring them to you in a way! At the beginning I linked their instagram, then I presented two YouTube videos of their music. Now, here's a link to their Facebook. Oh, hey they have their names on their Facebook. Well, for those of you who were wondering who these people's names were here they are! (Their English names I supposed)
Key: Their name (What I've been calling them): What they do
Tuan (K-Pop): Vocals and Producer *Original Member*
Boy BBTJ (The Short One): Guitar *Original Member*
Bom Suwatin (Humble): Drums
Win Ginkz (Win): Bass
Oof Bongtong: (EDM/Beard): Sampler & Keyboard
They claim to be Alternative Metal.
I hope those of my readers who like the same music as me will enjoy this band in the same way that I enjoyed sharing their information all week. This will be my last post about them for now! Their fans declare that they are part of the Tuan Army if they're true fans so I supposed I'm part of the Tuan Army and I hope my friends can at least appreciate their music.
If not, I hope reading about them was entertaining at least! For those of you who are recently visiting this page I will leave the links to this week's post down below. Read what you want when you can.!
Order of post:
Meeting Tuan Thailand:
You can either read this per 1k words so that you can come back easily to where you stopped. If you want to do this, click Part One. If you'd rather read the full entry (3-4K words) click Full Post.
April 1st, 2019:
This is a more emotion and thoughtful post about my experience with how interview Win affected me. Click the date to read this part. You can read it without reading Meeting Tuan Thailand but I do make references from the 'Meeting Tuan Thailand' post.
When I wrote this it ended up becoming 2k words. You will need to read Part One before Part Two but click on the part to read them!
Spotify: I'd like to also mention that they are on Spotify. There are only two songs but I believe the two songs are the ones that I've pasted into here from YouTube. So, if you have a Spotify you can listen to them through that as well.
The Ginkz
The only link I have left to share is Win's Instagram. If I had the Instagram of the other members I'd share them but Win commented on my Instagram post and the Instagram of Tuan Thailand also commented on my post so the official overall Insta is what I have as well as his.
My classmates are tired of me fangirling over these people, I'm sure. The Ginkz is another band that Win is in. His actual name is Warut Onoonjit. (Which I can't say properly probably). In The Ginkz, Win is one of the main singers I wanted to check out the background of this band he's in more. It's also metal but it's different from Tuan Thailand. I still like both bands.
Let me know what you guys think about Tuan Thailand as well as this whole interaction that I've posted about this week! I'd like to hear some comments from y'all. You can either clock the 'Ask Questions Here' button on my blog, you can message me on Facebook, you can comment below even if you don't have a blogger (I allow anonymous questions).
I'd like to do a Q&A eventually over the content I'm sharing!
Tune in every week to hear about my experience in the Philippines. I have a lot of content written. All I have to do is schedule it for you. Please tune in next week! I will be introducing a new feature for Sundays starting this April 7th! It will be called 'Sunday Watts'. So, tune in every week to keep up with me.
Thank you for listening! Please let me know what goes through your head as you read my post!
Keep up with Dj!
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This is mainly for communication so go ahead, add me. Message me every once in a while so that I remember who you are. Otherwise, I'll delete you at the end of the year when I clear through my Facebook lol.
I follow anyone who follows me! This is mainly pictures of where I go!
This will send me an email with your questions you don’t have to leave a name. I will post the answer to the blog!
This is mainly for communication so go ahead, add me. Message me every once in a while so that I remember who you are. Otherwise, I'll delete you at the end of the year when I clear through my Facebook lol.
I follow anyone who follows me! This is mainly pictures of where I go!
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