Thursday, October 29, 2020

Question of the Day #1



Games in the Philippines are mainly PC. I tried to get my classmates into D&D but I overthought it so we didn't get a chance to play. But most games are either gambling related or on the computer. 

Video games are seen in a negative manner. Games in general are only for children. 

It's sad really. People don't see that games can be used outside of the entertainment for children. There are tournaments for PC games. They play League/Mobile Legends. Outside of that game I haven't seen many.

They do play game apps on their phones but outside of those cases that's all that exists in the gaming world. 

(For most of the population that doesn't have fast internet or is lacking in technology) 

Now in Manila, it's different. Think of Manila as New York for the Philippines. The only experience that I I had in Manila where a few nights because I stayed with my cousin due to paperwork not being correct so I couldn't leave the country.

There was someone who had a PS3 (?) I may be wrong about the console but they had a gaming console. The fact that they had a gaming console and that was the only console that I saw in the whole year living there should give some perspective on the lack of technology since I want a lot of places lol.

So outside of gambling card games there are no card games.

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