Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14th, 2019: Maligayang Bagong Taon! - Happy New Year

Magandang Araw sa lahat! (Good day everyone!) [Filipino/English]

 I know that I haven’t been keeping you all updated. A lot of things have happened since November 26th which was the last post that I queued. So I want to try and do what I can for you all this year. Of course, around this time everyone begins their New Year’s Resolutions and such. Lately, I have been living the moments in front of me instead of recording them and as a person with a travel blog I know that I’m slacking.

 The first update that I’d like to announce is that I now have a public facebook that you all can add! Being in the Philippines has forced me to use Social Media a lot more and it isn’t exactly my favorite thing to do but for those of you who would like to conversate with me or would like to keep up with updates through Facebook (that are not on my personal already), you can add me! (I’ll probably clear out my friend list once a year depending on if a person has talked to me or not I don’t know. I do know that Facebook limits you to 5000 friends and to be honest… if I ever hit that talk to that many people a day I’ll probably not want to talk to another person in my physical life ever again. So, if you’re interested click here to add me! I don’t mind making friends or meeting new people. The more the merrier right?

 For now, I want to talk about the most recent and then I’ll backtrack for you all. I have many pictures that need to be posted so I’ll be sure to set those up. This year I would like to keep up with this blog and explore the Philippines more! I’m thinking to go to one new place every week. It depends.

 Basit Basit (Ilocano/Ilokano) Kunti Kunti (Filipino/Tagalog) what these words translate to is ‘little by little’ and I want that to be my motto for this year. Every small step counts and I want you all to see these small steps in written form. I do appreciate those of you who continued to look over my blog despite my disappearance. I will admit, sometimes it’s better to live life instead of record it but this past month I have been complimented on the fact that I have many stories and this is true. I like to share my experiences. I do what I can to make people smile and I like to hear people laugh.

 If I was learning one language and one language only I could focus but the fact is, I have missed out on a lot of culture and I need to learn at least three languages. If you are new, let me inform you that these three languages are Ilocano, Filipino, and Itneg. Now, there are connotations of these languages so I would like to clear some confusion.

 When I speak of Ilocano, most likely I will spell it with a ‘K’ and not a ‘C’ because originally the alphabet that the Philippines uses does not include the letter C. My tutor told me that the letter C is considered a ‘borrowed letter’.

 Below is a refresher on the letters of the English Alphabet versus the alphabet of the Philippines.



A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (27)

Alpabeto (Alphabet of the Philippines)

A B K D E G H I L M N NG O P R S T U W Y  (20)

Borrow letters that occur in modern spelling in any language in the Philippines.



 The whole of this blog is to keep you guys updated on what I’m doing and how I feel about what’s going on around me. Outside of trying to keep up with this blog better, I do hope that I can learn more Ilocano than anything else this year. I say that because it is the language I use the most next to English and I hope to be able to share more of it with you as time goes by.

 Current upcoming events are…

 Second Semester of college begins on January 14th!

 This will be posted on January 14th so I’ll be sure to tell you about the first day back in school!

 Check back every Monday at noon (central time) for updates!

 To be honest I think that’s the only updates that I really have. I’ll be sure to update everyone about Christmas soon but as I have said in the past I don’t like to make these super long. What I do want to do is go back to my original post and write replies to them. I like to think about them as a way to update what has happened so far!

 I would like to do this also to help organize my post! I try my best to organize. It’s hard especially with things that aren’t physically there but I’ll be sure to have a Mass Post key somewhere to help people refer to little things that I mention like the borrowed letters up above! I’ll also do this to help me not repeat myself a thousand times.

 When I first started this blog a lot of people were messaging me and it made me really happy to hear from you all. So don’t be afraid to send me messages or ask me how I am. Although, you have to remember that my Facebook Messenger is more of my connection to everyone in the Philippines and not just in the U.S so if you’re from either place. Please! Message me again if I don’t answer within a week. I do my best to answer everyone but I can fall behind.

 As a reminder here are all the ways to keep up with me or contact me!

This will send me an email with your questions you don’t have to leave a name. I will post the answer to the blog!

This is mainly for communication so go ahead, add me. Message me every once in a while so that I remember who you are. Otherwise, I'll delete you at the end of the year when I clear through my facebook lol.

I follow anyone who follows me! This is mainly pictures of where I go!

If I don’t write a post here there’s probably a chance that I have written something on my Wattpad because there I post poems! They are shorter reads with more meaning. I am currently working on two poetry books but the more important one that ties into this travel blog is called ‘A Barrier Meant To Be Broken’. Below are the last five poems I wrote on there as of this post being queued.

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